Monday, March 22, 2010


Every human in this world have a right to enjoy their life. We have a right to do everything that we want to do, we also have a powerful right to eat delicious foods, and even we have a right for touring around the world. And that’s all things are the most beautiful present from God for us. But, besides the various rights, we also have many kind of obligation which we have to fulfill.
So what kind of obligation that we have to fulfill? Maybe an obligation to study for a student, or an obligation to protect the country for the police, and many more. But, we, as a human in common, have a very important obligation in this world, protect mortal humanity. One of them is animal. Why?
Let us rerun our memory to the prophet period. In one of the Islamic story, there was a prostitute who finally went to heaven just because she helped a dog which almost dead because it thirsted. So, the prostitute opened her shoe and then she fastened it with her cowl, and took some water from a well, and she gave that to the dog.
On the other story, there was a faithful Moslem who finally went to the hell just because he forgot to give enough foods to his cat. One day, he walks off his house for a long time and lock entire of his house door. So, his cat which still stayed inside the house couldn’t go outside. The Moslem forgot to prepare meal for his cat. Finally the cat was die because hunger.
From that mentioned story, we can conclude that animal really has a right to live. And the story also affirms and commemorates us that every human in this world have a obligation to protect the animal’s rights. Even not just in Islam, but entire religion in this world also teach every human to protect the animal’s rights.
So, that mean actually every animal in this world have a right to live, same like us as a human! But, why now oppositely; many people hunt and kill the animal in large numbers? Or how about animals which lost their “home” (jungle, etc) because many people fells the trees in the jungle and change them become a giant office building, a glamour apartment, and a very big shopping centre. So, how the animals can keep alive? Whether those mean the rights of all animals in this world have annihilated? All that represent question which ought to be answered by all animals hunters and be a consideration for us. Because as human being, we have a very big homework to protect the animal’s rights.

But beside that, fortunately we also usually meet various efforts which have been done by a lot of people or groups for keep protect the animal’s rights to live. One of them is the government effort who opened the “Suaka Margasatwa” and also various places which use to accommodate and also take care of the rare animal in this world. We also have to be proud for the law which gives a priority to the animal rights.
But however, all of the choices are still on our hand. A choice to keep protects the animals in this world, or we prefer to life without them. No more bird warble in the morning, no more a smart elephant that can play football in the zoo, no more a cute dolphin, and a wild lion. So the question is can we live without all of that?
Maybe one day, if we cannot protect them, and let all of them die, we can feel how live without them.

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