Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tribute to my friend

well, first of all, i really sorry to hear about your problem, dear..
well, i can't say that you didn't make a mistake at all..
but, i also didn't say that you completely wrong..
sometimes i think they are right. yeah, you know lah, they just don't want you to be a 'wild' girl who make your their name gone bad. and also they did that for your goodness (although i think their method was lil' bit overact).however that's the rule. and remember, rule is something that's not suppose to be rejected or violated (even though i want to do it just for once!) but it's okey lah, i do believe that no matter what, they did it for your goodness.
but, however, you were great my friend! you were so brave!! me, I'm not sure i have that kind of bravery to express my feeling, dear. i'm really not sure! but see? you did it! and that's absolutely cool :) well, maybe next time when you write that kind of stuff again, please don't use any rough words again, darling.. because you know what darling? i think that's just the only reason why they asked you to apologize for what you've written. so, keep fighting okaaay!! and don't be traumatic to write again after this problem, please. because your articles always make me laugh and smile, honeeey :)))


  1. thanks a lot sweet heart :-) (malu abis kalo ini bukan buat gue udah makasih-makasih aja, wakakakak)

  2. hihi iyaaa yonceee. itu buat kamuu kook :)


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